Wednesday 8 April 2015

Happiness Happens!!!

Some say you need to be caught, 

Some say you come on your own, 

For some things, I actually had fought 

But never found you, in whatever I got. 

Although, we have never met 

Of you, I never can forget. 

Trying to trace you, still I gaze 

And want you to stay, with me always. 

Friends I thought, would take me far 

Reaching me out, to where you are. 

But they reached out as NRIs 

And I had none but water in my eyes. 

I lost them and the path to you, 

Without them, everything was new. 

That makes me think on what to do 

To make me know where are you. 

Gadgets were my love, with whom I lived 

They did not shout and I was never miffed. 

They addicted me but made be shrewd, 

Taking me to you, I felt they were good. 

I stayed hooked and lazy I became, 

Health went down and sickness came. 

Going that way, I had lost my aim, 

Always trying, to play a new game. 

Realization dawned on how I am, 

Instead of my brain I used the RAM. 

I then thought of, trying something new 

For helping me to find, where are you. 

Searching for a job, I landed in a den 

A lion in the cabin would call me in 

He gave me nothing but only money, 

Which I felt, would take me to thee. 

Everything I bought and everything I got, 

But never found you in whatever I got. 

Day-by-day, I thought smart I grew 

But could not find out where are you. 

Mother nature called and out I went, 

The only place where I didn’t pay a rent. 

Enjoying the mountains and the rains, 

I Forgot of money and all the pains. 

The trees and their shade gave me joy 

The breeze touched me and I felt coy 

Sat over there after cleaning the dirt, 

And thought of the man without the shirt. 

He had found you, here on earth, 

In spite of having the entire dearth. 

That made me say, you are never to be searched, 

Not searching you, can quench our thirst. 

Since happiness is not the absence of pain, 

But training the mind to handle the pain. 

And not looking out for things to assist, 

But by loving the ones that make you exist. 

Never will I think as to where I reach 

But in my mind I will make peace. 

 By Santosh Padhi

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